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Frequently asked questions for the public


Answers for the public on commonly asked questions about NHAD.

  • What is the NAHD?
    The National Audit of Headache Disorder (NAHD) is a clinical audit to evaluate the quality of care provided to adult headache patients across UK. A key aspect of the audit is to describe patterns of care across UK. The NHAD started in October 2024. The first programme of the NAHD is the National Migraine Audit and Registry which aims to evaluate the quality of care provided to adult migraine patients across UK.
  • How is NAHD sponsored?
    The NAHD, including the National Migraine Audit and Registry, are funded following fundraising by King’s College London.
  • Who manages the NAHD?
    The NAHD is a national clinical audit run by the steering committee of the NADH. The NAHD, including the National Migraine Audit are hosted by King’s College London. Day to day running of the NAHD is managed by the Headache Research Project Team at the King’s College London.
  • Why is this clinical audit carried out?
    We want to support the improvement of primary and secondary care for headache patients. Research shows that there are differences in the care given to patients across the UK. The NAHD aimes to find out what these differences are and to understand why these differences are happening. We plan to share our findings with hospitals and health care polciy makers across UK . In particular, we want to inform them about the areas of headache and migraine care that they were doing well in and where they could improve.
  • Who can take part in the NADH?
    Currently we run the National Audit for Migraine. All migraine patients who received a migraine diagnosis at an NHS clinic in England, Wales, Scotland and North Ireland can participated in the National Migraine Audit.
  • How are patient data collected?
    The National Audit for Migraine and Registry collects data directly from patients who consent to participate and share their data through the Migriane Audit e-Diary app and the history tool in the website. Any data provided will be processed in accordance with UK data protection law including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Findings from the National Audit for Migraine will be published on this website. More information on how King’s College London manages data can be found here King’s College London Statement on Use of Personal Data in Research
  • How can a patient opt-out of their data being used in national audits?
    How can a patient opt-out of their data being used in national audits? The national data opt-out allows patients to opt-out of their information being used for purposes other than their immediate clinical care (such as for audit and research purposes). All NHS organisations are required to be compliant with the national data opt-out policy. For more information on the national data opt-out, please visit the NHS website: For national clinical audits such as the National Audit for Migraine and Registry, where patient reported outcomes are collected, patients are given the opportunity to consent for their data to be used for the purposes of the National Audit for Migraine and Registry. For more information see the privacy policy.
  • What data are we using within this audit?
    The National Migraine Audit collects data submitted via the MigraineAudit app from adults diagnosed and treated in UK with migraine. The collected participants reported outcomes include amongst others: • Information about the clinical setting participant is receiving their migraine care from. • Information about the diagnosis of migraine, and previous investigations • Information about past treatments • Information about current treatments • Information about adverse events from current treatments • Headache impact test questionnaire outcomes • Visits to A&E because of migraine • Work absenteeism because of migraine
  • Does my hospital have to participate in the NAHD?
    Yes, all NHS healthcare providers are expected to participate in National Clinical Audits, including the NAHD. Further information about national clinical audits is available on the HQIP website.
  • Can you tell me how many cases my NHS organisation submitted for a particular year?
    Unlike many other national clinical audits, the NAHD does not directly ‘collect’ patient data and so there was no submission of cases to us as such. We therefore don’t have the information to tell you how many cases were submitted for your trust.
  • I have a question that is not answered in the FAQs
    For all queries related to the NADH, please contact us.
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